
Come and enjoy the following activities at

Kilmory Resort


Fishing 🎣

Fishing is a fun and productive pastime. Try your luck with sea and German brown trout from the Kilmory wharf or from the shoreline. Think about renting a kayak or canoe and venture a little further with the fishing or exploring. Away from the resort, ponds all over the Burin often yield a meal of Brook Trout. Worms and spinners are the recommended bait.

Fishing during cod season

Salmon fishing is quite good in three area rivers. Piper's Hole River, on which Kilmory Resort is located, is an excellent easy-to-fish salmon river just five kilometres from the resort. Black River is located between Swift Current and Garden Cove; try your luck just up from the bridge where the highway crosses the river. North Harbour River located between North Harbour and Goobies has several nice pools, which require some walking.

These are all fly fishing only scheduled Salmon Rivers and require D.F.O. license. The most popular flies used on these rivers are the Orange Bug, The Green Highlander or the Blue Charm. Check at our front desk to make sure the river is open before casting. These are early season rivers with most of the salmon run taking place between season opening in June and the third week in July.


Golf ⛳️

There are three golf courses in the area:

Brookside Golf Course - 39 min (48.6 km) via NL-210 E and Trans Canada Hwy/NL-1

Grande Meadows Golf Club - 1h 38 min (146.6 km) via NL-210W

Terra Nova Golf Resort - 58 min (87.5 km) via NL-210 E and Trans Canada Hwy/ NL-1W


Bird Watching 🐦


There are so very many kinds of birds to see at Kilmory! Where to start? There are resident pairs of Bald Eagles. (As featured in National Geographic July 2002. This area of Placentia Bay has the highest concentration of bald eagles in eastern North America.) You will very likely see them should you keep an eye out for their white heads during your stay. On sunny days they are likely to hunt food from the river or along the shore directly across from your chalet. 

There are (almost always) besides the Bald Eagles, a resident pair of common loons nesting along the shore. You will regularly hear their distinctive call and see them swimming in the river. As well you will find Boreal and Black-capped Chickadees, Juncos, Robins, American Crow, Northern Raven, Greater yellowlegs, Black Backed Gull, Herring Gull and the Common Tern. There are also yellow-rumped (Myrtle), Black and White, Wilson's and Yellow Warblers, also look for Fox Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows and the White-throated Sparrow; Mourning Doves, common Redpolls, Ospreys, Purple Finches, Pine Siskins and Cedar Waxwings, Grey Jays, Woodpeckers and a possible Indigo Bunting (!?). And there have been several as yet unidentified species. An American Redstart was once seen at Piper's Hole Park during the last week of July.

Kayaking & Boating 🛶

Placentia Bay is ideal for beginner kayakers. This deep in the bay, you are always in sight of land. The experience of the water, the wildlife and the wilderness is one you will remember. At Kilmory Resort we rent single and double kayaks to resort guests.

We also offer Canoe rentals.


Hiking & Walking 🥾

Nearly all year long the walk at the former Piper’s Hole Park (5km south) is worth the time and effort. You can stroll for several miles along Piper’s Hole River. It is peaceful, natural, wild, scenic and revitalizing. If you walk far enough, you will be rewarded with the sight of a lovely waterfall. During spring and late fall you may require weatherproof footwear.


A walk around Kilmory Resort beach can be a tour of discovery for someone not accustomed to such a beach. For example, the shells are small because of the effect of the fresh water on the salt-water animal. There are four species of Kelp and there is clay, which your little ones can shape into wonderful gifts for you, and can bake in a slow oven, 200 degrees for two to four hours, to dry.

While on the beach, keep a lookout for the family of sea otters who have taken up residence in the estuary. They have been here for several years. A sighting is most likely in the early morning hours near the old wharf. Also keep your ears tuned for the sound of the family of Common Loons who live in the estuary. You're most likely to hear and see them swimming by during the early morning or late evening.

There is now a new walk at nearby Garden Cove. This walk is just lovely, with extensive boardwalks it is not too difficult for anyone of any age.

The end of the trail is at Placentia Man’s Point from which you can see Sound Island, Arnold’s Cove and out Placentia Bay. There is a table and shelter at the end. A perfect spot for a break or little picnic.

The Center Hill Trail, a few minutes drive from Kilmory, in Sunnyside, can be quite a challenging walk. The half day hike takes you to the peak of Center Hill and on a clear day you can view 4 bays from its peak. The trail is well maintained but is not for the faint hearted as Center Hill is one of the highest peaks in eastern Newfoundland.